
Jumat, 14 September 2012

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Interview with Midnight Bonfires – Part 1

When the guys from Midnight Bonfires got in touch and asked if they could shoot their latest music video on a Nokia 808 PureView, you can imagine we jumped at the chance to put the phone through its paces. You may have seen the preview a couple of weeks back. Well, we went along to the shoot for ‘Wait’, took some exclusive snaps, and found out what the band had to say about the experience:
Midnight Bonfires Nokia 808 PureView video shoot
How did you originally form the band?
We have all been mates throughout school [in Birmingham, UK] and played music together in various projects. Midnight Bonfires started when Dave (lead vocals, Guitar) and Rick (Mandolin) wrote the first takes of ‘Misbehave’ and ‘Wait’. After showing Sam (Bass) and Mark (Drums) the songs at Sam’s house we realised the potential and took to the practice studio. 
‘Midnight Bonfires’ who came up with the name and what does it represent?
Dave came up with the name. We wanted quite an earthy, natural name that tied in with the folk elements of our music. But we never really set out a scientific way of going about finding it. We all came up with various examples but Midnight Bonfires just felt right. We liked the imagery of fire and the idea of the night and how it contrasts in different ways.  
Midnight Bonfires Nokia 808 PureView video shoot
For those who don’t know you, what song would you recommend they listen to and where can they find it?
Our single ‘Misbehave’ is available online, it was our first release and we’d most likely recommend that one. We’re also looking at releasing ‘Wait’ as a single before an EP launch in November. Our Facebook page currently has a preview of one of the songs on the EP – ‘Voodoo Eyes’
Do you have any cool or funny stories you could tell us about when you have been performing or rehearsing?
Dave: I got electrocuted a number of times on stage whilst performing at a gig, they were little at first but by the end they were pretty big! Luckily it was the last song! I also bit an apple randomly on stage, threw it, and oddly someone kept it. Me and Rick also took a trip to Vancouver and whilst we were there, did a few open mic nights which went down pretty well.
Rick: When recording the EP recently we cracked into a litre bottle of whisky nearing the conclusion. We judged the timing a little off and I wound up recording the group backing vocals slightly intoxicated.
Midnight Bonfires Nokia 808 PureView video shoot
What would you do with a Nokia? Are you a musician/artist that has an idea? Let us know. In the meantime, keep your eyes peeled for the final version of the video from Midnight Bonfires and their thoughts on the Nokia 808 PureView.
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