
Selasa, 18 September 2012

Home » , , » Olympus PEN Lite E-PL5 - «lite" CD Micro 4/3 interchangeable lens

Olympus PEN Lite E-PL5 - «lite" CD Micro 4/3 interchangeable lens

Olympus has expanded its portfolio of standard cameras Micro 4/3 "lite" version, called Olympus PEN Lite E-PL5. The camera has a classic case and has an extremely fast autofocus. The basis of the cameras Live MOS sensor is laid with a resolution of 16.1 megapixels and image processor TruePic VI. Like other modern cameras, this model has a great emphasis on obtaining training opportunities in low light conditions - the limit is 25 ISO 600, although the practical benefits of such huge numbers is questionable. camera has a BCL-15 f8.0 Body Cap Lens - a device that can perform as a function of the connector cover for interchangeable lens and the lens for quick shots. There is a built-in Wi-Fi, which can work with their applications for iOS and Android, but unlike similar offerings from Canon phone becomes a remote camera control unit. It should be noted that in addition to their own lenses can be used any other, are compatible with Micro Four Thirds, at double the crop factor. The model has a folding screen that rotates 170 degrees - the diagonal of 3 inches. camera goes on sale in the U.S. market in October. Cost Olympus PEN Lite E-PL5 will be 500 dollars with Body Cap Lens and $ 600 with a 14-42 mm lens whale.
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